Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
It is our prayer and that desire that, in God’s timing and with the Holy Spirit’s guidance, all children who attend Encounter Church will: come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ; continue to grow in their relationship with God; and become fully devoted followers of Christ.

Sunday Mornings
Birth - 4 Years
For more info contact Marylyn DelCastillo
5 Years - 5th Grade
For more info contact Josh & Shannon Speaks

Encounter Children’s Ministry exists to assist the family in building a spiritual foundation that will lead a child to grow in the grace and knowledge of God.

We value God’s Word and reinforce it in the hearts of children by providing solid Bible teaching at age-appropriate levels.
Each child is a gift from god and we value all children for who they are and who God created them to be.
We protect the children with an uncompromising safety process so that children can learn in a fun, exciting, safe, loving and nurturing environment.
We affirm, honor and value others through honest, direct and respectful communication.
We invest in others through relationships, by praying and encouraging one another.
We invest in our leaders by providing opportunities for leadership and spiritual growth.
Each child is a gift from god and we value all children for who they are and who God created them to be.
We protect the children with an uncompromising safety process so that children can learn in a fun, exciting, safe, loving and nurturing environment.
We affirm, honor and value others through honest, direct and respectful communication.
We invest in others through relationships, by praying and encouraging one another.
We invest in our leaders by providing opportunities for leadership and spiritual growth.

Teach the truth of God’s Word.
Show children who Jesus is and help bring them to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Provide a program with a foundation that will lead to spiritual growth and maturity.
Encourage and support parents as they instruct their children to develop and grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ.
Encourage children and their families to share their faith, minister to each other and serve the community.
Show children who Jesus is and help bring them to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Provide a program with a foundation that will lead to spiritual growth and maturity.
Encourage and support parents as they instruct their children to develop and grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ.
Encourage children and their families to share their faith, minister to each other and serve the community.